Financial Modelling, Project Financing & Budgeting forecasting with Business Intelligence Gaining sound and practical insights in financial model building, comparing financial values and evaluating financial risks This course will focus on the tools and techniques available in Microsoft Excel which will enable you to develop, run and review financial models across multiple scenarios. More than […]
Financial Accounting and Reporting Training
Objectives By the end of the program, participants will be able to: Recognize important financial accounting topics and how to report them on financial statements. Properly account for assets, liabilities, equity, revenues and expenses. Prepare financial statements with the required notes and disclosures in periodic financial reports. Recognize the need for transparency in reporting of […]
Management and Leadership Course
Introduction Get ready to recharge yourself with new energy to propel your career, increase job satisfaction, and add greater value to your organization. This seminar will show you how you will learn the combination of attributes and skills you need to accelerate your career positively and successfully along your professional path, now and into the […]
Finance , Accounting and Budgeting Course
Intorduction This course will provide a comprehensive illustration of how accounting information is collected, recorded, how it is analysed and presented both internally and externally, to support effective management, control, and decision making. This is important because key personnel in an organization use accounting information which is often said to be the ‘language of business’; […]
Secretarial and Administration
Objectives: By the end of the program, participants will be able to: Define and understand the role of the office manager / administrator. Acquire time management skills required for better office productivity. Handle telephone calls properly and professionally. List the main causes of stress and the techniques needed to control them. Learn communication strategies needed […]